ben nsadha

UGANDA, Uganda  |  Civic and Social Organization
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About ben
Status: Financing


iam a banker and trainer having acquired my first degree as a secondary school teacher.I have over 12 years as a trainer in financial services

Resumé / Bio

CURRICULUM VITAE (CV) - Ben Constance Nsadha
1. Name of firm Uganda Business Clinics Initiative
2. Name of staff Ben Constance Nsadha
3. Proposed Position Finance and Credit Specialist
4. Date Of Birth 1978 5. Nationality Ugandan
6. Education  PGD-DIMA (Uganda Management Institute)
 BA (EDUC) Economics and Humanities. Makerere University Kampala;

7. Memberships / Professional Associations  Member of Uganda Leasing Association
8. Other Training  Training in Developing Leasing -Regal Exchange and associated limited
 Training in customer service by ANKRAH Foundation
9. Countries of Work Experience Uganda
10. Language skills and degree of proficiency (good, fair, poor)
Language: Speaking: Reading: Writing:
English Excellent Excellent Excellent
Lusoga Excellent Excellent Good
Luganda Excellent Excellent Excellent
11. Employment Record:
Employer: From: To:
Uganda Business Clinics Initiative, Rural Finance and credit Specialist 2010 Present
Tide Financial Consultants Ltd, Rural Finance and Credit Specialist 2009 Present
Equity Bank -Uganda, Equipment Financial Manager Advisor 2008 2009
Uganda Micro Finance limited, Loans Officer 2006 2008
12. Detailed Tasks Assigned 13. Work undertaken that best illustrates capability to handle the tasks in this assignment (professional and management experience):
• Piloting the lending scheme, one of the emerging SMES in Uganda
• Training in Sacco formation and Management
• Training in Credit and loan Management
• Report writing and presentation;
• Training in resource mobilisation Finance and Credit Specialist- Uganda Business Clinics Initiative
Ben Constance in a Finance and Credit Specialist who has undertaken the following assignments at Uganda Business Clinics Initiative;
• Analysing financials, constructing financial statements such as Balance Sheet , Profit and Loss Account, Cash flow ratios, working Capital Ratios during clients appraisals
• Conducted Training in credit appraisals and evaluation process (character, Capital, Collateral, conditions and capacity)
• Led to formation of the business clinics model,
• Determining the company's strategic objectives and policies;
• Developed the rural mobile business clinics caravan in charge of sensitization of the public, SME's on financial literacy, banking, internet safety, and business in a globalized world
• Provide leadership and strategic direction vital for achieving the Company's purpose.
• Continuously develop customized and appropriate curriculum for our SME clients' country wide.
• Team leader in product development which is to lead to the piloting of mobile money services through the "Uganda Business Clinics Brand'' as the umbrella Company to train, SME's and mobile money providers.
• Monitoring progress towards achieving the objectives and policies
• Review existing workflow processes and procedures
• Business Development and Advisory
• Team recruitment
• Recommend measures for improvement and oversee the implementation of the strategic administration management.
• Support and coordinate all interactions with other departments and stakeholders.

JOPA Technical Services- Training in financial Literacy with funding from USAID: March 2015
Ben Constance is a Finance and Credit Specialist carrying out training in financial literacy at JOPA.
His duties included among others Conducting training in SME Bye- laws, Strategic management, organisational management , report writing and presentation; project coordination and management, SACCOs establishment and management, credit and loans management
Review of SACCO Accounting & Operating Manual & System, Asonkera Saving, Credit and Cooperative -Jinja District
Ben Constance is a financial specialist who was given the assignment which involved the review and documentation of the accounting manual and control systems of Asonkera Savings and Cooperative Society, as part of the introduction of new computerized accounting system
Business Planning Training, Tujijenga Afrika June 2010-31 Dec 2011.
Ben Constance is a financial specialist who undertook the assignment of training of its senior and middle management on the principles of Business planning, preparing/writing business plans and financial modelling for strategic plans using Micro fin. UBCI also provided consultancy services on developing financial accounting policies and procedure.
Rural Finance and Credit Specialist- Tide Financial Consultants Limited: 2009-2012
Ben Constance is Rural Finance and Credit Specialist who undertook the following assignments at Tide Financial Consultants;
• Guiding partners in piloting the Tide micro-lending scheme, one of the emerging SMES in Uganda with an asset portfolio of USD.1.8m.
• Overseeing the establishment of processes, an operating system of checks and balances .To ensure prudent operations, a wide Area network was procured and installed which helped to reduce on multiple borrowing different branches in the same Company.
• Increasing sales and opening 5 branches in Uganda to ensure convenient and accessible financial services to the clients at the Bottom of the pyramid
• Introducing the "YAZIKA" campaign against poverty where you give the farmers Animals/Poultry as a loan and in return they give you 2 of the off-springs as repayment for the loan.
• Determining the company's strategic objectives and policies;
• Monitoring progress towards achieving the objectives and policies
• Accounting for the company's activities to relevant parties, e.g. shareholders
• Overall supervisor of all Company works
• Review existing workflow processes and procedures
• Recommend measures for improvement and oversee the implementation of the strategic administration management.
• Reviewed relevant documentation (FORMS and Identifications) related to corporate account registration.

Mid-Term Evaluation of Musse Investments limited : August 2011
Ben Constance is a Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist on the team undertaking a mid-term evaluation of the company and has participated in the document reviews, development of questionnaires, facilitating interviews and discussions, analysed data, prepared and presented reports to key stakeholders.

Training in loan and credit management to Kagoma Health and Child Care July 2011
Ben Constance is a loans and credit specialist on an assignment of training in ;
• opening up new customer accounts by registering personal information
• Resolving product and service problems by clarifying customer complaints, determining the cause of the problem, selecting and explaining the best solution to solve the problem.
• Following up on all customer problems to makes sure they were permanently resolved
• recommending the best products for customers after listening to their needs
• Recommending potential products and services to management.
• Preparing product service reports after collecting customer information
• Basic Customer care.

I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly describes me, my qualifications, and my experience. I understand that any wilful misstatement described herein may lead to my disqualification or dismissal, if engaged.
[Signature of staff member or authorized representative of the staff]
Date 26 May 2015
Full name of authorised representative Ben Constance Nsadha

Work Experience



Interests: i love sports and very active particularly in the swimming sport.Trainig is also my passion
Honors / Awards: I have inter university swimming medals. I have accolades in creating new methodologies for rural transformation, check web.
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This profile was last updated on 6/2/2015 8:45:35 AM

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