Kazal Chandra Karmaker

Samrat ICT Ltd. 
Dhaka, Bangladesh  |  Marketing
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About Kazal Chandra
Status: Developing Software


Developing of any kind of Software or website for a private company or organizations.

Resumé / Bio

Kazal Chandra Karmaker
99/1(4th floor), New palton,
Azimpur, Dhaka.
E-mail: kazalmkt2009@gmail.com
Mobile: 01673929136

Career Objective
To contribute in a Credit Rating Agency where I can integrate my knowledge and explore my potentials to add value to that organization.

Masters of Business Administration (M.B.A)
Institution : Jagannath University.
Department : Department of Marketing
Duration : 1 Year.
Result : Appeared
Year of Passing : 2012
Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A)
Institution : Jagannath University.
Department : Department of Marketing
Duration : 4 Years.
Result : 3.10 out of 4
Year of Passing : 2011
Higher Secondary Certificate (H.S.C)
Institution : Adhyapak Abdul Mazid College
Group : Humanities
Result : 4.00 out of 5
Year of Passing : 2006
Board : Comilla
Secondary School Certificate (S.S.C)
Institution : Homna Adarsha High School
Group : Humanities
Result : 2.81 out of 5
Year of Passing : 2004
Board : Comilla

Computer Literacy
Excellent computer literacy are MS Office (MS Excel, MS Word, MS PowerPoint), Internet Browsers.
Language Proficiency
Fluent in reading, writing, speaking and listening in the following languages:
 Bengali (Native language)
 English (International language)

 Strong Analytical Ability
 Good interpersonal skills
 Dynamic, confident, and self motivated
 Quick learner and feedback oriented
 Habituated in team work and under pressure in achieving team objectives.
Seminar Attended
 Participant of 1ST World Marketing Summit-2012 (Better World through Marketing).
 Attended the Session on Advanced Leadership
By: Dr. Christofer Salvoraja
Swinburne University, Australia
Organize by Jagannath University, Dhaka.

 Workshop on Transforming Societies through Social Business.
Extra Curricular Activities
 Participant of BIZ QUIZ 2010 (A 3 rounded Business and Economics related quiz competition organized by the BUSINESS CLUB) the news was covered on THE DAILY STAR CAMPUS magazine on August 01, 2010.
 Founder member of the Business Club (BC) of Jagannath University.
 Working as an organizer of different cultural programmed in University.
Work Experience
 Institution: Confidence (Drug Awareness and Education Program)
Position : Development Officer
Duration : Employed from 5th January 2008 up to 31st December 2009.
 Field Investigator of AC Nielson. And Fortune and Focus.
 Attendants of Habib Intelligent Software Limited.
 Work on 9th National Parlament Election (Exit Poll) for Bangladesh Election Commition.
 Work at FIFA International friendly match (Argentina Vs Nigeria) for Secura Bangladesh Ltd.
 Work in project of IOM of "Baseline assessment of health Vulnerabilities of Migrants in Bangladesh".
Personal Information Father's Name : Haridash Chandra Karmaker Mother's Name : Shafale Rany Ray Date of Birth : June 20, 1988 Present Address : 99/1(4th floor), New palton Line, Azimpur, Dhaka. Permanent Address : Village: Bagmara, P.O. +P. S. - Homna, District: Comilla. Religion : Hindu Nationality : Bangladeshi (by birth)
Mr. Md. Mahathy Hasan Jewel
Associate professor
Dept. of Marketing
Jagannath University
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Cell No. 01717763724
Email- jewelbhola@yahoo.com
Koushik Prashad Pathok
Dept. of Marketing
Dhaka University
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Cell no: 01819092799
Email- kousik10mkt@gmail.com
I hereby recognize that all the above mentioned information is true and correct.


Work Experience



Interests: Internet, Technology, Games, Advertising and Marketing.
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This profile was last updated on 12/13/2014 12:52:44 AM

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