Resumé / BioKazal Chandra Karmaker
99/1(4th floor), New palton,
Azimpur, Dhaka.
Mobile: 01673929136
Career Objective
To contribute in a Credit Rating Agency where I can integrate my knowledge and explore my potentials to add value to that organization.
Masters of Business Administration (M.B.A)
Institution : Jagannath University.
Department : Department of Marketing
Duration : 1 Year.
Result : Appeared
Year of Passing : 2012
Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A)
Institution : Jagannath University.
Department : Department of Marketing
Duration : 4 Years.
Result : 3.10 out of 4
Year of Passing : 2011
Higher Secondary Certificate (H.S.C)
Institution : Adhyapak Abdul Mazid College
Group : Humanities
Result : 4.00 out of 5
Year of Passing : 2006
Board : Comilla
Secondary School Certificate (S.S.C)
Institution : Homna Adarsha High School
Group : Humanities
Result : 2.81 out of 5
Year of Passing : 2004
Board : Comilla
Computer Literacy
Excellent computer literacy are MS Office (MS Excel, MS Word, MS PowerPoint), Internet Browsers.
Language Proficiency
Fluent in reading, writing, speaking and listening in the following languages:
Bengali (Native language)
English (International language)
Strong Analytical Ability
Good interpersonal skills
Dynamic, confident, and self motivated
Quick learner and feedback oriented
Habituated in team work and under pressure in achieving team objectives.
Seminar Attended
Participant of 1ST World Marketing Summit-2012 (Better World through Marketing).
Attended the Session on Advanced Leadership
By: Dr. Christofer Salvoraja
Swinburne University, Australia
Organize by Jagannath University, Dhaka.
Workshop on Transforming Societies through Social Business.
Extra Curricular Activities
Participant of BIZ QUIZ 2010 (A 3 rounded Business and Economics related quiz competition organized by the BUSINESS CLUB) the news was covered on THE DAILY STAR CAMPUS magazine on August 01, 2010.
Founder member of the Business Club (BC) of Jagannath University.
Working as an organizer of different cultural programmed in University.
Work Experience
Institution: Confidence (Drug Awareness and Education Program)
Position : Development Officer
Duration : Employed from 5th January 2008 up to 31st December 2009.
Field Investigator of AC Nielson. And Fortune and Focus.
Attendants of Habib Intelligent Software Limited.
Work on 9th National Parlament Election (Exit Poll) for Bangladesh Election Commition.
Work at FIFA International friendly match (Argentina Vs Nigeria) for Secura Bangladesh Ltd.
Work in project of IOM of "Baseline assessment of health Vulnerabilities of Migrants in Bangladesh".
Personal Information Father's Name : Haridash Chandra Karmaker Mother's Name : Shafale Rany Ray Date of Birth : June 20, 1988 Present Address : 99/1(4th floor), New palton Line, Azimpur, Dhaka. Permanent Address : Village: Bagmara, P.O. +P. S. - Homna, District: Comilla. Religion : Hindu Nationality : Bangladeshi (by birth)
Mr. Md. Mahathy Hasan Jewel
Associate professor
Dept. of Marketing
Jagannath University
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Cell No. 01717763724
Koushik Prashad Pathok
Dept. of Marketing
Dhaka University
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Cell no: 01819092799
I hereby recognize that all the above mentioned information is true and correct.