Olapade Saheed O.tunbA

IbAdan, Nigeria  |  Computer Networking
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About Olapade
Status: O.tunbA &PRints CAre NIG LTd.


TAG O.tunbA fOR ExcLusive AcCess tO yOur FAvOrites BrAnds, WebSite, AdMin, buiLdeR, APpsMOding, ARts & COmPuteRs, PRints, tEchNOLogy, TEams, T-shiRt CustOmize, etc. DiscOvereR ANd be A New CLient's tOdAy!! O.tunbA CAre MuCh LOve!!!

Resumé / Bio

A inteLiGent yOung MAn ANd SuccessfuL WEbs AdMin CalLed Otunba46 CEO At O.tunbA PRints CAre NiG LTd...

Work Experience



Interests: WebSite, AdMin, buiLdeR, APpsMOding, COmPuteR &NetwOrking, PRints, tEchNOLogy, TEams, T-shiRt CustOmize, etc. DiscOvereR ANd be a NEw CLient's tOdAy!! O.tunbA CAre MuCh LOve!!!
Honors / Awards: Life GivEs aNsweR iN THreE wAys... It sAys YEs ANd GivEs yOu whAt yOu wAnt, it sAys No aNd GivEs yOu sOmethiNg betteR, it sAys wAit aNd GivEs yOu tHe Best! I O.tunbA MuCh LOve!!!
Website / Blog: http://www.fb.me/otunba46
Olapade has been liked by 1 person.
This profile was last updated on 9/23/2018 7:02:19 PM

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