Status: all Products are Patent Pending,Trademarked Lisenced and Insured

SummaryAS SEEN on Dragons DEN TV show-
We Create Special Made Gardens for People on the Go with No Knowledge of growing Skills at All. No Weeding or Thinning Plants/Uses 70%Less Water and releases nutrients for bigger Healthier Plants/has Immediate Germination NOT LIKE ANY OTHER MAT OR TAPE ANYWHERE on the Market-GUARANTEED!!and SeedMates Plants Grow Perfectly Spaced ( each plant) EVERY TIME
Resumé / Bio I felt like a GOD when I grew my first vegetable, but Weeding/thinning/spacing Plants and small seeds, so I created SEEDMATES Just Plant Sheet and Easy to Grow Vegetable Garden Kits Just add Water and DONE-Grow Carrots to TOMATOES I want everyone to feel like GOD and EAT safer fresher food/save money/Live longer/Look Better in the end FELL BETTER and Help people We donate 10% to Suffers of ALS
Work Experience
Additional |
Interests: Getting The world to eat SMART!! to Eat Better is to live Longer and end disease from GMO's and weed killers on our Vegetables we buy At trhe Supermarkets and Family store.Sorry Farmers!!
Grow your own and if not SeedMates Grow somebodies seeds ( Do Not buy store bought plants the soil can bring disease and kill trees shrubs and grass)
Grow yourself from SEED for your own HEALTH!!
Honors / Awards: Exceptional SERVICE AWARD from Livonia POLICE DEPARTMENT
Kathie has been liked by 0 people. |
This profile was last updated on 10/29/2014 3:10:26 PM |