Joel Solkoff

Architectural critic 
Williamsport, PA, United States  |  Architecture and Planning
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About Joel
Status: US Editor:


Return of Joel's Column

NOTICE: Joel's always eclectic column returns shortly. "Don't touch that dial" as the US tv moguls said in the 1950s

Scribbling away from an art critic loft in building seven of a pajama factory (once the largest in the world), Joel Solkoff reports

Mark Winkelman drives three hours to Williamsport from New York City to manage his nine-building domain in the portion of central PA where pockets of poverty have remained since the US 1930s Depression. Exclusively for e-architect UK, NYC architect Winkelman describes his early career working for Phillip Johnson and about the architectural design lessons learned during an extended stay in Japan.

Joel's column returns shortly with this and other startling news about Anna Keichline, Pennsylvania's first female architect who also served as a spy in World War One, Bellefonte's 1850s Centre County Courthouse, and how local government entities on the sub-county level have led to chaos at Penn State's bedroom town of State College.

e-architect exclusive interview with an unlikely city planner in down-and-out Williamsport, PA

Joel's range extends from justice architecture and the progressive architecture movement to make prisons warm and friendly places to Stste College/PennState/StateDepabrtmenof Transportation's failure to plan ten and twenty years into future. Worthy of special attention is how PA Transportation Secretary Leslie Richards has created chaos with her focus on cars, cars, cars above all else coupled with her remote control of the street on which Joel lived last month, but no more.

Resumé / Bio

Williamsport, PA

Encourage students who are blind and otherwise visually impaired to pursue careers in science and education. As a universal design enthusiast, I have completed two courses at the Engineering Department developing photo-journalism-style essays, defining design problems and recommending solutions.

I have been increasing my knowledge of Medicare as a way of paying for assistive technology.

The Voice of America said, "Solkoff believes that if enough old and disabled people vote, it could help ensure that candidates favorable to the Social Security and Medicare benefits they depend on will be elected, both locally and nationally."

I have worked for:

Amaryllis Theatre/VSA Arts of Pennsylvania, on grant proposals and disability access.
SchlumbergerSema, Moorestown, NJ, documenting point-of-sale terminals using smart cards.
Pennsylvania's Montgomery County Community College, teaching basic and intermediate courses on how to write English clearly and correctly (as adjunct professor of English).

From 1990 to 2001, Senior Technical Writer both in California's Silicon Valley and in North Carolina's Research Triangle Park.

At the Silicon Valley:

For IP Unity, produced documentation for engineers writing Internet telephony applications to help them make it possible, for example, for company regional offices to simultaneously link conference calls with Power Point presentations located on their laptops.
At Resonant Commerce, developed data warehouse mining documentation.
At Star Vox, provided voice over IP documentation on installing hardware and software.
At KLA-Tencor, worked with designers to document wafer analysis software, writing documentation where none existed before, working closely with software quality assurance team.
At Cabeltron/ZeitNet, worked on beta version of a reference manual for small digital telephony switch. Completed console commands section (e.g. show configuration, modify port configuration). Wrote command parameter and descriptions, worked on TCP/IP and other protocols after talking to engineers and testing each of the 22 commands.
At Genentech Pharmaceuticals, worked on an Interleaf 6 Relationship Data Base Management system (Oracle-based) to end documentation logjam.

At Research Triangle Park:

At IBM's Netfinity Server Group, wrote procedures for installing network operating systems in servers. Migrated BookMaster documents to FrameMaker with SGML. Produced Technical Updates concerning modifications to servers about to be released.
At ABB Metering Systems, managed research, production of detailed engineering drawings, and dissemination of a technical manual for circuit boards purchased after a meter is already installed, giving that meter the ability to communicate with the utility office by modem and cellular communication. Coordinated high-level design review of project software to troubleshoot problems with two-way conversations between a meter at a customer's residence and the company's central office. One goal was to have the meter to tell the electric company to shut off the electricity if the customer's residence is on fire.
At Glaxo-Wellcome, worked with Visual Basic designers in a commercial IT group, producing documentation for a custom-designed Oracle-based software program used to keep track of conventions, budgets, and contracts. Audience was not sophisticated with computers and the software itself did not yet have its code frozen. Writing about software in a continual state of change requires considerable organizational ability.
At MCI, wrote manual for call center. Used extensive screen captures of the center's GUIs.
At Nortel Networks(Northern Telecom), my work included:
Writing descriptions of new telecommunications software
Preparing documentation for SGML compatibility
Coordinating with software engineers, working with product developers, and supervising other documentation work on such telephony products and issues as ACD, the OSI model, X.25, ISDN, SS7, systems integration, LANs, fiber optics including SONET, and high bandwidth, low-delay, multiplexed packet switching.

From 1969 to 1990, worked as speechwriter, public affairs consultant, report writer, grant writer, journalist, and author in Washington, D.C. and New York City. My experience included:

Senior speechwriter and public affairs professional managing a variety of Communications Department projects and activities at the U.S. Postal Service, receiving commendation from the assistant postmaster general in charge of technology for my exhaustive work on postal automation, including bar coding and optical scanning.
Speechwriter for Ted Brophy, CEO of GTE, and other corporate officials, as well as doing public relations and grant proposal writing.
Report writer at the Congressional General Accounting Office (as it was then called) and Congress's Office of Technology Assessment.
Special assistant to the Under Secretary of Labor, a Presidential-appointee position requiring Senate confirmation and a complete security clearance. Wrote speeches and developed and implemented public affairs policy for the Department's second most powerful official. Other speechwriting for public officials included work for both Democratic and Republican Chairs of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
Reporter for The New York Times, The New Republic, Newsday and The Village Voice.
Newsletter editor, MLAP Monthly Report (a publication of the Migrant Legal Action Program.
Editor/Researcher for Scanlan's Monthly, a New York-based general-interest magazine:

Previous professional affiliations: Authors Guild, National Press Club, Society of Professional Journalists, and Washington Speechwriters Roundtable. Recipient of a grant from the Fund for Investigative Journalism.

Publications: I am the author of the following 3 books:

Learning to Live Again; My Triumph Over Cancer, published by Holt, Rinehart & Winston
The Politics of Food, published by Sierra Club Books and distributed by Random House
Handbook for Commissioners, Housing and Redevelopment Officials, published by the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials
I have published dozens of articles in my own name for such publications as The New York Times, The New Republic, The International Herald Tribune, and Information Week ( and have contributed to the Time-Life Books series

Education: BA, Columbia College, Columbia University, graduate work at The Pennsylvania State University's Department of Rehabilitation Counseling.

Work Experience



Interests: Patrick Geddes, Lewis Mumford, Hellen Keller, James Branch Cabell, James Joyce
Honors / Awards: Recipient of a grant for investigative journalism, D.C.
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This profile was last updated on 2/23/2019 2:59:45 AM

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