Status: Major Family oriented project

SummaryAs God's Business Ambassador, I minister kingdom culture in the marketplace. My Apostolic/Prophetic mandate is to financially empower the Body of Christ in kingdom missions, provide training & support to 5 fold ministry (priests) & marketplace dominance (kings). My greatest passion is JESUS. My specific gifts/talents are in mega real estate developer/designer/builder by profession. My God-given dream is to develop gathering places for the body of Christ to fellowship as well as provide spiritual training to increase them in all walks of life whether they desire to work in the church or in the Marketplace. This apostolic business/ministry platform will support international philanthropy network to address the needs of family, church, & community showing God's unconditional LOVE & Goodness for all people. I love to bring awareness regarding Kingdom Culture that is meant to set God's people apart to affect (impact, transform, bring positive change) to all areas of society for the Glory of God - some areas of concentration will be in government, international business, arts, entertainment, education, sports, finance, media/communication, with concentration on the growing influence and affluence of women in business & philanthropy thereby increasing productivity, restoring value and trustworthiness in the world marketplace. I am called to serve the body of Christ Jesus - TO AWAKEN THE BRIDE FROM HER SLUMBER, TO USHER HER TO RETURN TO HER FIRST LOVE. I'm in constant intercession for all my connections - I am always praying for your highest good success and that you will know and walk with God your Father in a deeper way! You were born to live a holy kingdom lifestyle not after the patterns of this world. You are a royal priesthood and a holy nation in the midst of darkness and fallen morals. MAY GOD BLESS YOU ABUNDANTLY AND CAUSE YOU TO ARISE & MANIFEST ABIDING FRUIT IN YOUR FIELD OF INFLUENCE, YOUR TERRITORY AND REALM OF DOMAIN FOR CHRIST - I SALUTE ALL SOLDIERS OF THE CROSS WHO WORK TIRELESSLY IN THE LORD'S VINEYARD FOR HIS GLORY! Vanessa Ann
Work Experience
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Interests: International Real Estate, Design, Promoting women in business and ministry, passionate about helping others reach their destiny.
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This profile was last updated on 1/21/2014 4:35:29 PM |