Resumé / BioAmber Star is CEO of STARMEX TELEVISION & StarPower Productions, a company she formed in 2005
Amber also has a Non-Profit Organization she oversees called Proyectos De Vida LARA community Tijuana,BAJA Mexico for women and children.
Amber STAR is the consumate business woman with an accent on community. She's an entrepreneur, philanthrapist, economic developer, motivational speaker, Green Renewable Energy Partner and BUSINESS consultant. She also represents her country as Ambassador of Mexico FOR ANTI- Women Trafficking.
Through entertainment and music, Amber Star is a BILINGUAL Latina TV & radio personality, brand ambassador, model, actress,, recording artist, promoter and designer for a women's sports and fashion line.
She will be hosting events via live streaming & performing. Her commitment includes covering internationally known events, working along side other event producers as the ONLY live stream producing 100% solar and wind powered events, with Renewable Energy and Green Marketing/Branding on STARMEX TELEVISION.
STARMEX & Star Power Productions has partnered with G POWER SYSTEMS to ensure state of the art Portable Green Power Solutions for entertainment and media use starting the new revolution of Ecotainment (Green-Media & Entertainment).
Curricular Activities (Triple Threat)
2007-2016 *MODELING (parts,cosmetic,lingerie,urban,pin-up,glamour,implied)
2007-2016 *MUSIC DEMO, (5 demo singles)
2007-2016 *RADIO/TV HOST ,ACTRESS(reality,drama,suspense,ON-AIR&TV-Personality) & STARMEX TELEVISION & AMBERSTARMUSIC