Think Clinics

Psychiatrist in Hyderabad  
Hyderabad, India  |  Healthcare
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About Think
Status: Best Psychiatrist in Hyderabad |Psychiatric Hospital near me


Best Psychiatrist in Hyderabad |Psychiatric Hospital near me - Think Clinics

Resumé / Bio

Best Psychiatrist in Hyderabad, Dr Divya Devulapally is well known in the field of Psychiatry and Sexual Medicine. She has a keen interest in Psycho-sexual medicine and Relationship counselling. She has 13 years of experience in dealing with Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

Work Experience



Interests: Psychiatry
Talk Therapy
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Sexual Medicine
Couples Therapy
Stress Management
Honors / Awards: Best Psychiatrist in Hyderabad, Psychiatric Hospital Near Me, Psychiatric Hospital in Hyderabad, psychiatric clinic near me, top psychiatrist in Hyderabad, best psychiatrist hospital in Hyderabad
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This profile was last updated on 7/26/2021 5:50:12 AM

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