Marques Bronner

Ceo of Kings Throne Restaurant and Lounge 
Hampton Roads, VA, United States  |  Restaurants
1K views  |  5 contacts  |  5 posts

About Marques
Status: Starting Up


I am currently working on a game app and also in the planning phase of opening my restaurant and lounge in hampton roads. I am striving to be a pillar in the community by providing food to the less fortunate every week. With the game app that I have created it will be something entertaining for all ages I have a website to show my development of this app.

Resumé / Bio

I served 10 years in the u.s military I have been deployed over 6 times to various parts of the world I am very ambitious and mission oriented.

Work Experience



Interests: I love watching sports and enjoy time with my family. I also enjoy helping people with similar goals as mine.
Honors / Awards: I have 3 navy and marine corp medals. NATO medals. Also I donate a lot to charities every month.
Marques has been liked by 4 people.
This profile was last updated on 5/2/2014 11:04:08 AM

 Contacts (5)
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