3 Posts
Elwes Nugent
Manager at Spark2drop
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11/15/2022 2:41:16 AM 

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Elwes Nugent
Manager at Spark2drop
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11/15/2022 2:37:43 AM 

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Elwes Nugent
Manager at Spark2drop
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11/15/2022 2:31:22 AM 

For individuals with Treatment-resistant depression (TRD), debilitating anxiety, persistent PTSD, and chronic pain
Description: ketamine is White or slightly off-white Crystal ketamine Or Powder 
Street Names of ketamine: Special K, vitamin K, KET, Ketty
Methods of Use:Inhaled, Ingested, Injected
Category: Perception-distorting (Substance that alters sensory perception.

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Elwes Nugent
Manager at Spark2drop
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11/8/2021 12:52:34 AM 

Buy Ketaset now email : lyfeunit(at)tuta(dot)io ---- to buy directly

Ketaset is a fast-acting anesthetic and painkiller used primarily in veterinary surgery. It is also used to a lesser extent in human medicine. It induces dissociative anesthesia, a trance-like state offering pain support, sedation, and amnesia. Read more...

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