5 Ways Entrepreneurs Who Take Vacations Are More Successful

Startup Guides > 5 Ways Entrepreneurs Who Take Vacations Are More Successful

When was the last time you took a vacation? For many young startup entrepreneurs, the answer is probably "I can't remember," or "I don't have time for vacation." But you just might want to rethink your aversion to time off. To run a successful companies, you'll need to be there, of course. But you'll often need to also take time to clear your head or even distance yourself from the business in order to think about how to grow more effectively.

Plus, it's good for you. Working long hours without taking time off to renew yourself can beat up your immune system, making you vulnerable to any pesky germs that come along. It's much nicer to take a vacation and enjoy yourself than spend time recovering from not taking enough care of yourself. In the end, time off can be just as vital, if not more so, as actually running the show. ..

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5 Ways Entrepreneurs Who Take Vacations Are More Successful