Member Posts > Brand Mazaya Size 50g Box (.05% Nicotine) Smoking Sessions Approximately 2 to 5 bowls Country of Manufacture Jordan Ingredients Tobacco, molasses, glycerin, and flavors Apricot, Beauty Crush (Grapefruit, Citrus with Mint), Black Grape (Royal purple grape), Blueberry Exotica, Blueberry with Cream, Blueberry with Mint, Blueberry with Orange, Candy Drops (Sweet, fruity candy with hint of grapefruit), Captain Fresh (Berry mix with cherry and hint of vanilla), Chaila (Chai latte), Choco Coco (Coconut and chocolate), Chocolate Mint, Citrus Mix With Mint, Coconut, Cool Lemon, Double Apple (Classic double apple light on the anise), Double Apple Bahraini, Double Apple with Mint, Electric Dream (Margarita Flavor), Four Seasons (Sweet Lime, citrus Lemon, tart Grapefruit citrus blend), Grape (Crisp white grape), Grape with Berry (Purple grape and raspberry), Grape with Mint, Gum (Spearmint), Gum with Cherry, Gum with Cinnamon, Gum with Mint, Heavenly Fruit (Apple, Cherry, Plum, Peach, orange blend), Iced Gum, Iced Gum with Mint, Iced Lemon with Mint, Iced Mint, Kiwi with Lemon, Lemon, Lemon Mint (Zesty lemon with a prominent mint), Lemon Pie (Rock A Pie), Love (Passion fruit, watermelon, melon with mint), Mango, Mango Twist, Mastic Gum (Spearmint gum with natural woody tones), Melon (Sweet cantaloupe), Midnight Mint (Black licorice with mint), Mint, Mixed Berry (Raspberry, blueberry, and blackberry blend), Mojito, Orange, Orange with Chocolate, Orange with Cream, Orange with Lemon and Mint, Orange with Mint, Pan Masala, Pan Raas, Passion Fruit, Peach, Peach With Cream, Plum, Pomegranate, Rose, Ruby Crush (Raspberry ice), Strawberry, Strawberry with Cream, Strawberry with Lemon, Sweet Blue (Blueberry with mint and cream), Tropicano (Pineapple, coconut, and vanilla), Twist (Strawberry and Banana mixed with creamy Vanilla), Vanilla, Watermelon, Watermelon with Mint

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Brand Mazaya Size 50g Box (.05% Nicotine) Smoking Sessions ...