How To Gain Your Client's Trust - 5 Tips

Startup Guides > How To Gain Your Client's Trust - 5 Tips

Whether you're the owner of one small business or multiple companies looking to increase your clientele, here are some tips on how to build a trusting relationship with your client.

Tip #1: Be Upfront

How do you put your client at ease the first time you go to his home as a total stranger? It all starts with communication. You always call first. And then as soon as you get there, you jump right out of the car and knock on the front door. It is important to introduce yourself and be open about what you're doing before you start. Your clients would appreciate it, and your client's neighbors appreciate not having to call the cops when an unidentified van parks in front of their house to do some work...

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How To Gain Your Client's Trust – 5 Tips