Startup Guides > How To Improve Your Mobile Advertising Campaign: 10 Tips
Figuring out how to use mobile ads for a startup or small business isn't exactly easy. Most entrepreneurs have struggled with online advertising, period. And adding mobile to the mix can seem confusing and expensive. But with so many people on their phones 24/7, neglecting to explore this new territory is a mistake.
Here are 10 tips for better mobile ad results:
1. Use In-Ad Engagement to Lower CPAs.
There is a rule in mobile that every additional click required loses half your audience. Make sure your ad is interactive, and encourage in-ad sign-ups for email or offer claiming. With this type of campaign, you will see click-through rates that are two times higher.
2. Know Your Audience First.
Too many mobile advertisers are spending before they know their mobile audiences and what they are trying to accomplish with them. When running a mobile advertising campaign, particularly one focused on app installs, you need to work backwards, understand your mobile customers, which ones use your app the most, why they do so and who they are. Then, and only then, can you start making mobile ad buys with a reasonable chance of growing your business in a successful and repeatable manner...