3 Winning Social Marketing Strategies From Top Brands

Startup Guides > 3 Winning Social Marketing Strategies From Top Brands

Do you follow any business or product brands on social media? Are you glad you do? If that's the case, they are probably doing at least one of three things to get your attention:

• Connecting with one of your passions and/or interests.
• Entertaining you with their engaging personality.
• Providing interesting and/or important information to you.

If you're a small business owner, you may want to consider which of these three strategies you're following. You might also consider following one of the strategies exclusively. However, it's fine to try each. These approaches are interchangeable, and a brand cannot only switch back and forth between them, but also use two or three at the same time. The most important thing is for a brand to stay true to their culture, identify what they are best at, what they can offer customers the most of, and focus on that. That will be their strongest hand to play...

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3 Winning Social Marketing Strategies From Top Brands