Target Marketing - Everything You Need To Know And More

Startup Guides > Target Marketing - Everything You Need To Know And More

Target marketing is about attracting customers who will buy what you're selling.

In order to target market effectively, you'll need to know exactly who purchases your products and exactly how to reach them. And acquiring that kind of knowledge requires some research and planning on your end.

The evolution of target marketing
Target marketing is the most current method of marketing to consumers based on research into their interests, hobbies, and needs, and it didn't spring from nothing. Before we got here, advertisers and marketers were using cohort marketing, and before that they were using generational marketing. Target marketing is essentially a refinement of these ideas.

Generational marketing
In older days, marketing was easy. If you were a small business, you knew all of your customers by name. And if your company was big enough, it had only a few marketing options: place an ad in the local newspaper, or in one of a handful of national magazines, or on one of three broadcast TV networks. From a marketing perspective, people were dependable...

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Target Marketing - Everything You Need To Know And More