4 Ways To Turn Your Customers Into Brand Ambassadors

Startup Guides > 4 Ways To Turn Your Customers Into Brand Ambassadors

Did you know that brand ambassadors are better advertisers -- better than even the most strategically marketed advertising plans specifically made for your business by agencies? Brand ambassadors are more likely to be seen as a good or authentic source of information by people around them.

In fact, when you think about the fact that most consumer purchases include word-of-mouth recommendation during the whole buying phase, businesses would realize that brand advocacy is a necessity and would even be the best investment to get into because of its very promising return on investment.

The question is how does a business turn their customers into brand ambassadors?

This is common sense but a brand advocate has a voice on both sides - the product/service and the consumer. He lets others know how great your product or service is and at the same time he provides keen insight and feedback on how to improve your product or service. Given that most brand ambassadors are not paid nor are popular influencers with a large following, word of mouth is their method of sharing...

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4 Ways To Turn Your Customers Into Brand Ambassadors