First, thank you for joining Webtalk.

Many of you I'm sure still don't understand the full power and value of Webtalk's services, and why we call ourselves "the smartest way to manage your relationships".

Relationship building is the cornerstone to creating a successful life, personally and professionally.

In real life, we assign values to our relationships so we know who to call for specific things in time of need.

Right now, there is no single technology that enables someone to manage all types of relationships from end-to-end based on their stage and value.

All relationships you have now fall into one of the steps below...

1. Looking for a relationship (research/networking)

2. Finding/meeting someone new of interest (connecting)

3. Establishing mutual trust and value (credibility/showcasing)

4. Solidifying the relationship (transaction/commitment/agreement)

5. Fulfilling the agreement (collaboration, teamwork, partnership, friendship)

6. Maintaining or growing the relationship (repeat steps 3-5)

*** Below are the existing utilities that handle some of these steps ***

SOCIAL NETWORKS -all focused on specific types of relationships making it impossible to manage all types of relationships effectively for optimal value. (social networks have turned into social media offering more ads than relationship management)

Steps: 1., 2., & 6. ( 6. not effectively)


Steps: 1., 2., 3., 4. (sometimes 5. and 3. often misleading)


Steps: 3. (done well)


Steps: 5. (done well)


Steps: 3., 4., 5., 6. (not realtime or efficient for managing a large amount of contacts)


Providing all 6-steps better than our competition, and in one place, is our goal. Right now our focus is on Steps 1-3 and 6. Steps 4 and 5 will come after we have perfected the other four steps.

When Webtalk is fully built out to meet our vision, you'll be able to manage and build all types of relationships, and the value of your entire network will be accessible on-demand.

No matter if there is a product you want to purchase, a service provider you want hire to work on your home, a person you want to hire for your business, an investor/partner you want to work with, or a vendor you need to help you on a project... a quick Webtalk search will allow you to find the best person, company or product that has already been vetted by people you know and trust.

Once you have found what/who you are looking to find, all of the next steps will be managed in the same place to save you time, money and frustration.

Webtalk is working to help you put your life on auto-pilot so you can focus on honoring your commitments and creating success instead of spending countless hours, days and weeks researching, marketing and establishing the relationships needed to take to you to the next step.

We are on a mission to create the world's first trusted global economy where trust is established on-demand to shorten the time it takes to create more successes in your personal and professional lives.

Please join us on our mission by completing your profile, and inviting everyone you know to Webtalk.

In exchange, we are offering you revenue share for life on all revenue generated by the people you refer to Webtalk.

Please visit my profile to learn more about our free referral rewards affiliate program slated for launch this summer.

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