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Chimney Sweep & Dryer Vent Cleaning

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Chimney Sweep & Dryer Vent Cleaning
About This Company
Industry: Other
Chimney sweep
Mon-Sun am - pm
All cc, cash
Chimney Sweep & Dryer Vent Cleaning is one of the leading chimney sweep companies in Marlboro, NJ. Most people tend to see their chimney as an aesthetic function of the house that doesn't need servicing. The reality is, that couldn't be further from the truth. As you continue to have fires, creosote builds up in layers along the inside of your flue, the more you burn the more layers you have effectively choking your chimney and reducing the draw. The two main dangers when looking at a build of of creosote are; chimney damage from sulfuric acid as the soot mixes with water from rain or snow, and chimney fire as the heat builds in a choked flue, melting and igniting the creosote once it reaches degrees celsius (the average fire temperature already being degrees celsius). At Chimney Sweep & Dryer Vent Cleaning we put your safety first and sweep your chimney as if it were our own. We inspect your chimney to see its current condition and look for any signs of damage, then we sweep and clean everything from the firebox to the cap.
Chimney sweep, best chimney sweep, chimney sweep service, best chimney sweep service, affordable chimney sweep service, dryer vent cleaning, best dryer vent cleaning, affordable dryer vent cleaning, dryer vent cleaning service, best dryer vent cleaning service, Marlboro, NJ, Middlesex County, New Jersey
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