Industry: Health, Wellness and Fitness |
By definition, critical access hospitals are often their communities' sole healthcare provider, as they must be located more than a -mile drive from any hospital. These hospitals in mostly rural areas and with no more than beds, often face financial and operational obstacles that their larger or urban counterparts never encounter. While they do have some advantages when compared with the typical acute-care hospital that help them stay afloat, like receiving cost-based reimbursement instead of reimbursement based on DRGs, often these hospitals are still at a disadvantage because of their size.
Cohesive Healthcare Management & Consulting team specializes in providing administration to Critical Access Hospital and putting them in a strong position to succeed in healthcare today. We provide the following benefits:
• Doubling of bed days
• Increased patient satisfaction
• Increased employee satisfaction
• High perception among staff for safety
• Increase in staff competency
• Improved communication
• Addition of new clinical services to your campus
• Enhanced outpatient services
• Improved beneficiary access
• Improved patient outcomes
• More care delivered locally by partnering with larger hospitals to:
o Admit more patients directly from the Emergency Department, rather than stabilize and transfer
o Eliminate transfers of inpatients that experience a significant change of condition
o Become discharge destination
o Reduce readmissions
o Strengthen referral relationships with neighboring hospitals
• Create larger critical mass of operations to reduce variability and costs
• Increase financial viability and secure your hospital and your community's future.
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