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Industry: Other
Every now and then a truly revolutionary weeding tool comes along. That was the case when Vern invented this clever efficient weeding tool. His purpose to stop pulling weeds by hand and to save his back and knees. He designed the Weed Spinner to remove the entire root of tap root weeds; it is ideal for use with seedlings, thistles, and dandelions spinning out weeds roots and all!

After watching the Awesome Auger Commercial with Billy Mays and ordering the awesome auger and testing it, Vern felt that he could invent a better product to remove weeds. The awesome auger had many short comings, including a wobbly two piece drive shaft that was short and required bending over for use. Vern knew there had to be a BETTER MOUSE TRAP for weed removal that wasn't hard on his back and knees.
Vern now years old, retired after years of teaching, administration and specialized projects at a Technical College. Since retiring he has invented and marketed several products including a golf ball retriever, rebound stability system for exercise, hand and electric aluminum can crushers, etc. He won the, "Wisconsin Governor's Award for Energy Innovation", in . He holds several patents. Building and testing many prototypes for weed removal the final spin-weeding product was Weed Spinner and Weedntill by WEEDSPINNER LLC.

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