Alexander Trapp

Founder of It's A Trapp! Productions 
Greater Los Angeles Area, CA, United States  |  Entertainment
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About Alexander
Status: Working on Emina Episode 6


Screenwriter, Voice Actor, Animator, Editor, and Director. Now building an independent animation company from the ground up.

Resumé / Bio

When I was 10, I realized I wanted to tell stories as a hobby.

When I was 14, I realized I wanted to tell stories for a living.

When I was 21 I began to do ghost writing, thinking it would help me get my foot into the business of show.

When I was 27 I realized what I wanted to be all along was an animator.

Now that I'm 30 I feel I'm on the right path. I still like to write but I feel that the world of animation is where I really belong. Take a look at my web shows and concept trailers if you're interested in my work.

Above all else, I like to entertain and make people laugh. I hope I can do that for a long time to come!

Work Experience



Interests: Writing, Directing, Producing, Animation, Voice Acting, PC Gaming, Console Gaming, Japanese Culture
Alexander has been liked by 3 people.
This profile was last updated on 11/2/2016 5:34:18 PM

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