Jason Abreu

Independent Strategic Branding Consultant 
Novato, CA, United States  |  Consumer Goods
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About Jason
Status: Launching Treeson - a bottled water designed to prevent pollution


I am a twenty one year veteran in creating successful consumer brands. I provide strategic oversight, creative implementation and brand growth services to new CPG product launches and existing brands with an emphasis on sustainability driven products or services.

Resumé / Bio

Born and raised in the UK. 10 years working in prestigious London studios: Butcher & Gundersen, Webb Scarlett, Holmes & Marchant & Coleman Planet.

Working in San Francisco since 2001 for FutureBrand Coleman (Design Director), CBX (Creative Director), Deutsch Design Works (Creative Director), Phillipe Becker & Anthem SF (Freelance).

Presently self employed and working predominantly with start-ups who are launching products or services that are good for people, the planet or (ideally) both. I also serve as Chief Creative Officer for Plus Space Inc. where our mission is to

Work Experience



Interests: Graphic Design, Packaging Design, Sustainability, Corporate Responsibility, Ethical Products, Entrepreneurs, Brand Strategy,
Jason has been liked by 2 people.
This profile was last updated on 3/7/2014 5:51:20 PM

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