Ydeveloper Technologies

Waltham, MA, United States  |  Information Technology
1K views  |  1 contact  |  0 posts

About Ydeveloper
Status: Marketing Prefessional


Ydeveloper offers eCommerce, Web Design, Web Development and SEO related services. Please checkout our new Yahoo Store Packages, SEO & SEM services and introduces Kaushalam Ecommerce with ASP.net, PHP, JAVA and Flash.

Resumé / Bio

Ydeveloper is a fast growing ecommerce services and solutions provider. It specializes in developing web stores such as Yahoo!, eBay, and ProStores as well as ecommerce solutions in ASP.NET, PHP, and Java. It provides highly cost-effective solutions.

Work Experience



Interests: internet marketing, website promotion, search engine optimization, seo
Website / Blog: http://www.ydeveloper.com
Ydeveloper has been liked by 1 person.
This profile was last updated on 5/21/2011 5:52:44 AM

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