Futurist Profile.

Super-Survivalist at NWO-2-NewWorldReality. 
Fiji, Fiji  |  Law Enforcement
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About Futurist
Status: To Survive The POSSIBLE Apocalypse]or ultimate fuckup[.


a 21st Century rest&recuperation EXOTIC-TROPICS paradisical-RESORT at a REMOTE tropics]free food[ISLAND : FOR Technologys & Laws & Sciences L-E-Os DOUBLE-phds SINGLES....

is what i am currently implemnting.


New York Jets Rams etc. My firstborn ]i'm divorced[ attended UC Berkeley & is currently a O-T at the RAMS from the New York Jets.

Resumé / Bio

at Linkedin accnts References Profile and Futurist Profile.

i have 5 phds-EQUIVELANT & 1 nobel-EQUIVELANT of The Universitys of REAL-Life .... where THE TESTS comes frirst.

phds-E at survival & employments & adventures & acheivements & ]a secret one[. nobel-E at xperiences.

i begun at 1969 to be a astronaut ... i just have not ARRIVED yet.

i am genuinely working to LIVE A THOUSAND years ..... from telomeres-genetics-cybernetics-bionics-NewBodiesNanoTechnology-etc.

Work Experience



Interests: i have 5 phds-EQUIVELANT plus 1 nobel-EQUIVELANT.

Of the University of REAL-LIFE. Where the TESTS COMES FIRST ... ] & the lessons after[.

My interests resulted to that qualifications.]my 1st offspring ... from whom i departed when it was a 6 year young welfare-rian .. attended UC BERKELEY :: was a world class champion sports unit at 22 ]gridiron O-T[ :: and MILLI8ONAIRE at 23 ... from Welfare at 4-5-6. ]& i thot i was hot[.
Honors / Awards: to live a THOUSAND years ... telomeres - genetics - cybernetics - bionics - new bodies nanotechnology - etc.
Website / Blog: http://apocalpse-how.com
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This profile was last updated on 12/16/2014 6:47:51 PM

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