Ross Copping

Business Owner 
West Hobart, Australia  |  Consulting
1K views  |  2 contacts  |  1 post

About Ross
Status: Social Media Strategy


Resumé / Bio

Ross Copping is a certified social media strategist; the founder and principal of Focus is Social. He is a Strategic Partner with Society3; the US based and internationally acclaimed social media consultancy. Ross is a member of the World Advisory Board of Xeeme, a social media platform with over 2 million users. He is involved in a number of community based organisations. Ross is a Director of TADPAC Industries, a Tasmanian not-for-profit business providing employment opportunities for the mentally and physically impaired. Ross actively involved in politics. He is a member of the Liberal Party of Australia (Tasmanian Division; is Chair of the Denison Electorate and member of Tasmanian Executive.

Work Experience



Interests: I am a digital immigrant wishing he was born digital. Professional interests are the application of new technologies that enable businesses, particularly start-ups, to gain traction through stronger engagement with employees, customers, partners and their communities.
My personal interests include surfing, sailing, hiking, cooking and music. Book shops are an addiction.
Ross has been liked by 0 people.
This profile was last updated on 5/14/2014 10:12:35 PM

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