Lamine Eric Mbaye

Social media manager at Wall Street Dakar 
Senegal, Senegal  |  Consumer Services
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About Lamine Eric

Administrator of the company's fan page on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Viadeo and soon on G+ and Youtube.
Mission: Build a community of users to interact with and to measure the company's impact in everyday life of the clients with insights and promote diverse items services and programmes run by Wall Street Dakar.

Resumé / Bio

Lamine Eric Abdoulaye Mbaye
Cite Fadia Guentaba 4 # 4 Dakar Senegal
Phone Call: 00(221)775313291 - 338515748

Career Objectives:
I want to achieve all the requirements that the company needs in order to become a customer service supervisor.

July 2010: Master degree in English studies Cheikh Anta Diop University (UCAD)
October 2009: :Bachelor in Arts Cheikh Anta Diop University (UCAD)
July 2007 : Advanced Level 5 British Senegalese Institute (BSI)
2006-2007: Certificate of Specialization (cs) Cheikh Anta Diop University (UCAD)
2005-2006: 2nd year degree Cheikh Anta Diop University (UCAD)
2004-2005: 1st year degree Cheikh Anta Diop University (UCAD)
January June 2005: Traducad the British Senegalese Institute (BSI)
August 2004: level 3 and 4 intermediate English at the British Senegalese Institute (BSI)

April 2010: Challenge in its component Empacto with Synapse in Business Creation

Professional Experience
November 01th: Social media manager at Wall Street Dakar
October 08th - October 23rd: Merchandiser at Transmed Senegal
October 2011-Avril 2012: Translator LCI (Linguistique Communication Informatique)
October 2010 -September 2012: Customer Advisor I.T, Call Me, Groupe Chaka (Call Center)
February 2009: Interpreter for a private agency in Dakar: Cabinet Ciblage

* Written Translation English / French - French / English
* Team spirit
* Relational Assets
* Ability to work under pressure

* English

Work Experience



Interests: Politics, Economics, Culture , Sport
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This profile was last updated on 4/5/2013 2:08:44 AM

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